
Quelques contributions de Hypermind aux sciences de l'intelligence collective et des marchés prédictifs

Articles académiques avec ou à propos de Hypermind

Using prediction polling to harness collective intelligence for disease forecasting

by Sell, T, Kelsey, LW,  Watson, C, Trotochaud, M, Martin, E, Ravi, SJ, Balick, M, Servan-Schreiber, E

2021 - BMC Public Health

Political uncertainty, risk of Frexit and European sovereign spreads

by Malgouyres, C, Mazet-Sonilhac, C

2017 - Applied Economics Letters

Debunking Three Myths About Crowd-Based Forecasting

by Servan-Schreiber, E

2017 - Collective Intelligence Conference, NYU Tandon

Distilling the Wisdom of Crowds: Prediction Markets versus Prediction Polls

by Atanasov, PD, Rescober, P, Stone, E, Swift, SA,  Servan-Schreiber, E, Tetlock, P, Ungar, L, Mellers, B

2016 - Management Science

Hypermind vs. Big Data: Collective Intelligence Still Dominates Electoral Forecasting

by Servan-Schreiber, E, Atanasov, PD

2015 - Collective Intelligence Conference, Santa Clara

Intelligence Is Collective

by Servan-Schreiber, E

2015 - Collective Intelligence Conference, Santa Clara

Prediction Markets: Trading Uncertainty for Collective Wisdom

by Servan-Schreiber, E

2012 - in Collective Wisdom: Principles and Mechanisms, edited by Landemore, H & Elster, J - Cambridge University Press

Betting On a Better World

by Servan-Schreiber, E

2009 - International Studies Association, Annual Meeting, New York

Macro-Markets and Environmental Futures

by Servan-Schreiber, E

2004 - The Hague Conference on Environment, Security and Sustainable Development

Prediction Markets: Does Money Matter?

by Servan-Schreiber, E, Wolfers, J, Pennock, DM, Galebach, B

2004 - Electronic Markets